Every person needs it and you too have discovered that at some times, when you are at your best you certainly don't act normal.
That rush, the passion, the desire to achieve, to do something beyond imagination all stem from one quality- "ECCENTRICITY".
Eccentricity literally means craziness for a thing,work or as a whole an attribute of life.
Eccentricity literally means craziness for a thing,work or as a whole an attribute of life.
Throughout the history of mankind all who made their presence felt had an eccentricity overdose. Whether it was Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson or Lady Gaga. You need that eccentric switch inside you to rise above the levels of the ordinary.
Eccentric people are always the ones perceived as without logic, senseless, mad beings but they indeed are the ones who bring the change.
Eccentric people are always the ones perceived as without logic, senseless, mad beings but they indeed are the ones who bring the change.
There's a very thin line between madness and eccentricity, often it's almost impossible to tell whether that snoopy person you know is indeed mad or just being eccentric.
Now, being eccentric doesn't mean that you start running around like idiots and do anything and everything you please but it means that you
add that extra zing to every GIG of your life.
An eccentric person doesn't know about success or failure he/she just lives in the moment and knows that he/she has to do what is to be done at that moment with full focus and zeal.
That's the essence of ECCENTRICITY and that what makes an eccentric person stand apart from the crowd.
That's the essence of ECCENTRICITY and that what makes an eccentric person stand apart from the crowd.
So, what are you waiting for BE ECCENTRIC for your dreams,your goals, your life .
We all have one CHANCE, don't we !!
What's your take, let us know in the comments section below.
_A.N.J ( a.k.a Aditya Nath Jha ) – Site admin and an engineering student
Above content is copyrighted and shall not be reproduced anywhere by any means.
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